This is of course subject to change, but here is the basic itinerary for assigned readings:
(To access the readings in pdf format go to Follow the student link and enter the course info Biology 402 and the password is lobo402.)
Week 1 (8/21, 8/23): A tutorial in thinking big: laws and macroecology
*Brown, J.H.1995. Chapters 1 – 2 in Macroecology. University of Chicago Press. *Ginzburg, L., and M. Colyvan. 2004. Chapters 1 – 2 in Ecological Orbits: How Planets Move and Populations Grow. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Week 2 (8/28, 8/30): Basic ecology & life history of Homo sapiens
*Foley, R.A. 1996. The adaptive legacy of human evolution: A search for the environment of evolutionary adaptedness. Evolutionary Anthropology 4: 194 – 203.
*Kim Hill, Hillard Kaplan. 1999. Life History Traits in Humans: Theory and Empirical Studies. Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 397-430 Week 3 (9/4, 9/6): Core concepts for human biogeography
*Terrell, J. E. 2006. Human biogeography: evidence of our place in nature. Journal of Biogeography 33:2088-2098.
* Lomolino et al. Intro chapter to biogeography text book.
Week 4 (9/11, 9/13): The ecogeography of body form, life-history, and population density, Part 1
*Morwood M.J., Soejono R.P., Roberts R.G., Sutikna T., Turney C.S.M., Westaway K.E., Rink W.J., Zhao J.x., van den Bergh G.D., Due R.A., Hobbs D.R., Moore M.W., Bird M.I. & Fifield L.K. (2004) Archaeology and age of a new hominin from Flores in eastern Indonesia. Nature, 431, 1087-1091
*Ruff, C. 2002. Variation in Human Body Size and Shape. Annual Review of Anthropology 31:211 - 232. Week 5 (9/18, 9/20): The ecogeography of body form, life-history, and population density, Part 2
*Walker, R., M. Gurven, K. Hill, A. Migliano, N. Chagnon, R. D. Souza, G. Djurovic, R. Hames, A. M. Hurtado, H. Kaplan, K. Kramer, W. J. Oliver, C. Valeggia, and T. Yamauchi. 2006. Growth rates and life histories in twenty-two small-scale societies. American Journal of Human Biology 18:295-311. *Stiner, M. C., N. D. Munro, T. A. Surovell, and E. Tchernov, Bar-Yosef, Ofer. 1999. Paleolithic population growth pulses evidenced by small animal exploitation. Science 283:190 - 194.
*Crimmins, E. M., and C. E. Finch. 2006. Infection, inflammation, height, and longevity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:498-503.
Week 6 (9/25, 9/27): Cultural, linguistic, and genetic diversity patterns, Part 1
*Pagel, M., and R. Mace. 2004. The cultural wealth of nations. Nature 428: 275-278. *Moore, J.L, Manne, T.M., Brooks, N., Burgess, R., and Davis, L.A. 2002. The distribution of biological and cultural diversity in Africa - Proc. R. Soc. Biol. Sci., Ser. B 269: 1645-1653.
*Collard, I.F., and I.A. Foley. 2002. Latitudinal patterns and environmental determinants of recent human cultural diversity: do humans follow biogeographic rules? Evolutionary Ecology Research.
Week 7 (10/2, 10/4): Cultural, linguistic, and genetic diversity patterns, Part 2
*Rosser, ZH et al. 2000. Y-Chromosomal Diversity in Europe Is Clinal and Influenced Primarily by Geography, Rather than by Language . Am. J. Hum. Genet., 67:1526-1543, 2000
*Barbujani, G. and R.R. Sokal. 1990. Zones of sharp genetic change in Europe are also linguistic boundaries. Proc of the Nat Acad of Sciences 87: 1816-1819.
*Serre, D., and S. Paabo. 2004. Evidence for gradients of human genetic diversity within and among continents. Genome Research 14(9): 1679 - 1685.
Week 8 (10/9, Fall Break): How humans alter biogeographic patterns of abundance distribution and extinction among other species *Evans, K. L., and K. J. Gaston. 2005. RESEARCH PAPER: People, energy and avian species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 14:187-196.
*Sutherland, W.J. 2003. Parallel extinction risk and global distribution of languages and species. Nature 423: 276-279.
*Lyons, K. S., F. A. Smith, and J. H. Brown. 2004. Of mice, mastodons, and men: human-mediated extinctions on four continents. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:339-358.
Week 9 (10/16, 10/18): Geography of wealth and resource use *Hibbs, D. Jr., and O. Olsson. 2004. Geography, biogeography, and why some countries are rich and others are poor. PNAS 101: 3715-3720.
*Liu, J., G. C. Daily, P. R. Ehrlich, and G. W. Luck. 2003. Effects of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity. Nature 421:530-533.
*Bounoua, L., T. Ricketts, C. Loucks, R. Harriss, and W. T. Lawrence. 2004. Global patterns in human consumption of net primary production. Nature 429:870-873.
*Wackernagel, M., N. B. Schulz, D. Deumling, A. C. Linares, M. Jenkins, V. Kapos, C. Monfreda, J. Loh, N. Myers, and R. Norgaard. 2002. Tracking the ecological overshoot of the human economy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99:9266-9271.
Week 10 (10/23, 10/25): Complex systems and feedbacks
*Holling, C.S. 2001. Understanding the Complexity of Economic, Ecological, and Social Systems. Ecosystems 4: 390-405.
*Lansing, J.S. 2003. Complex adaptive systems. Annual Rev of Anthropology 32: 183-204. *Kruse, J. et al 2004. Modeling sustainability of Arctic Communities: an Interdisciplinary Collaboration of Researchers and Local Knowledge Holders. Ecosystems 7: 815-828.
Week 11 (10/30, 11/1): Energetics, culture, and society
*White, L., A. 1943. Energy and the Evolution of Culture. American Anthropologist 45:335 - 355.
*Tainter, J. A., T. F. H. Allen, A. Little, and T. W. Hoekstra. 2003. Resource Transitions and Energy Gain: Contexts of Organization. Conservation Ecology 7:4.
*Odum, H.T. 1988. Self-organization, transformity, and information. Science 242: 1132-1139.
Week 12 (11/6, 11/8): Scaling, part 1
*Schneider, D. C. 2001. The Rise of the Concept of Scale in Ecology. BioScience 51:545 – 553.
*Gibson, C. C., E. Ostrom, and T. K. Ahn. 2000. The concept of scale and the human dimensions of global change: a survey. Ecological Economics 32:217-239. * Moses, M. E., and J. H. Brown. 2003. Allometry of human fertility and energy use. Ecology Letters 6:295-300.
Week 13 (11/13, 11/15): Scaling, part 2
*Hamilton M. et al. 2007. The complex structure of hunter-gatherer social networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B.
* Bettencourt, L. M. A., J. Lobo, D. Helbing, C. Kuhnert, and G. B. West. 2007. Growth, innovation, scaling, and the pace of life in cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:7301.
Week 14 (11/20, Thanksgiving): Urban Ecology: Footprints and Community Metabolism
*Smil, V. 2000. Energy in the twentieth century: Resources, conversions, costs, uses, and consequences. ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 25:21-51.
*Rees, W. E. 1996. Revisiting Carrying Capacity: Area-Based Indicators of Sustainability. Population and Environment 17:195 - 215. * Decker, E. H., S. Elliot, F. A. Smith, D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland. 2000. Energy and Material Flow Through the Urban Ecosystem. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 25:685 - 740.
Weeks 15, 16: Term Paper Presentations, Concluding remarks.